
Found In Translation

Centered around the word “trust,” Found In Translation is a zine series that attempts to bridge cultural gaps and foster trust between international students and their domestic peers at California College of the Arts through layers of translation. This project was originally funded by The Center for Impact at CCA and CCA’s Learning Resource Center (LRC).

The original project includes four zines, social media assets, and an Instagram page, allowing for widespread communication with the CCA community. The project is now being continued through CCA’s LRC & International Student Affairs and Programs (ISAP).


found in translation

Centered around the word “trust,” Found In Translation is a zine series that attempts to bridge cultural gaps and foster trust between international students and their domestic peers at California College of the Arts through layers of translation. This project was originally funded by The Center for Impact at CCA and CCA’s Learning Resource Center (LRC).

The original project includes four issues of zines, social media assets, and an Instagram page, allowing for widespread communication with the CCA community. The project now continues through CCA’s LRC & International Student Affairs and Programs (ISAP).



The Thesis

Translation is used as a tool to mediate trust between dissimilar groups of people—both culturally and linguistically. But much is lost in translation. To bridge the cultural gaps and foster trust between international students and their domestic peers at CCA, a multiplicity of voices is necessary. Through a variety of translations, definitions, and first-hand narratives from both native and non-native speakers, Found In Translation attempts to fill these gaps.

By sifting through layers of translation, we can begin to reimagine our trust in those of other cultures, gain broader understandings of the world around us, and find new connections to things unknown. Translating the “untranslatable” will build trust and reveal shared human experiences—this is what is truly found in translation.



The Zines




Design a means for stories and translations to come to life and reach the diverse student body at CCA through the implementation of a simple, accessible, and cost-effective medium.

Final Zines:

Each zine focuses on a language (Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, & Arabic) and includes translations and definitions of culturally specific words through student narratives.

Each zine focuses on a language (Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, & Arabic) and includes translations and definitions of culturally specific words through student narratives.



The Promotions





Design promotional social media assets to build a clearly cohesive design system. Consider how the existing visual language works both digitally and in print.

Final Instagram Promotions:

Please note that since Fall 2019, this Instagram account has been run by coaches at CCA’s Learning Resource Center (LRC), so updates may or may not reflect original design intentions.

Instagram stories to promote the first issue of Found In Translation.

Instagram stories to promote the first issue of Found In Translation.

Instagram stories to promote student contribution to the second issue of Found In Translation.

Instagram stories to promote student contribution to the second issue of Found In Translation.

Final Flyer:

A flyer advertising the first issue of Found In Translation.

A flyer advertising the first issue of Found In Translation.



The Making





Create events through which editions of the Found In Translation zines can be made for distribution.

Final Promotional Materials:

Through the creation of Found In Translation makerspace events supported by CCA’s Learning Resource Center (LRC), the creation of the zines serves as a bonding experience for the diverse students and faculty of the CCA community. The makerspace events were promoted through social media, flyers passed out to the CCA community, and word of mouth.


Final Events:

A total of 200 zines were created as a result of these events, but more importantly, domestic and international students and faculty were able to bond and build trust with one another by using the zines as a bridge to start conversations about personal narratives relating to learning, teaching, language, translation, and more.



The Legacy

international student affairs & programs

2019 AICAD Symposium

Learning Resource center

CCA’s International Student Affairs and Programs:

From November 4–15, 2019, CCA’s International Student Affairs and Programs (ISAP) held an exhibition inspired by Found In Translation titled “On Borders and Boundaries: Global Artists at CCA”. Found In Translation was the focal point alongside an accompanying animation by Lisa Aidar.

ISAP has also passed out issues of Found In Translation at tabling events during CCA’s “International Education Week 2019”.

Found In Translation at the “On Borders and Boundaries: Global Artists at CCA” exhibition.

Found In Translation at the “On Borders and Boundaries: Global Artists at CCA” exhibition.


2019 AICAD Symposium:

On November 8, 2019, a panel whose title and topic were inspired by this project, “Found in Translation: Co-Creating Language Justice in the Multilingual Classroom and Writing Center”, was hosted by Otis College of Art and Design at the 2019 Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD) Symposium, “Include Me: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”.

CCA’s Learning Resource Center:

As of 2019, CCA’s Learning Resource Center (LRC) has continued the production of Found In Translation’s zines. The making of these zines are used as part of the LRC’s Coach Training Sessions to continue to spark conversations surrounding how to better support the diverse CCA student body.

The resulting zines will be handed out to the CCA community at tabling events and through coaching sessions.

The LRC has also been planning a potential Issue #5, so stay tuned by following @CCAFoundInTranslation on Instagram!